Recent Trainings

Why God Isolates You to Insulate His Relationship With You

The loneliness you experience is not always isolation. God loves you enough to insulate you as protection. Seeds need a certain environment to grow and the seeds in you are too important to allow them to endure the wrong exposure.  In this training I discussed three reasons God isolates you to insulate you in your loneliest seasons.

About Faith And Authority:

Faith And Authority is a faith-based business providing coaching services and resources to encourage, empower, and enlighten professionals to live in their truth and pursue the life they dream of.

Empowerment Strategist, Coach Ty Yanna

is here to help you position your strengths through:
  • Workshops, motivational messages, and scriptures to keep you encouraged.

  • Personal development coaching equipping clients with the confidence, perspective, and strategy to achieve their innermost goals. Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Call

  • Readings and resources in the blog and Faithful Lifestyle Shop providing new exposure and fresh perspective sure to enlighten

    Visit the Blog or Shop the Faithful Lifestyle


Take our client's words for it...

Helped save my marriage

Dr. Alissa

Ty had beautiful and great advice to help save my marriage in the most difficult times. First year of marriage has been tough. She worked with both my husband and I to help us figure out the issues and the root of the problems. She listened to both of us to help us directly with the issues we were facing. Her advice was invaluable in single handedly saving our marriage. God bless her and her family! Lots of love!

More productive with a positive outlook

Mr. Damon

As a result of the coaching with Ty, I have been able to become more productive, with a positive outlook. For years I have been using the negative aspects of my life as a catalyst to push me. Although I am improving in life, those negatives were trapped inside me. Ty help me realize that by simply seeing how I live, how I think and even I am advancing myself can be just push I need. She help me see that my positive can be just as much a catalyst as the negative. She also open my eyes to see just how more healthier it be for me as well. These changes have had a major impact on my life and the people around me. The benefit of having someone who listens so well is invaluable. Thank you and I appreciate everything.


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Coach Ty

Coach Ty is a Christian entrepreneur with a multifaceted background in research, healthcare, and the arts. While pursuing her undergraduate degree, Ty took an honors anthropology course where she realized her love of learning about cultures and traditions. Studying individual’s personalities and behaviors allow her to interact with diverse groups and embrace the uniqueness each person contains. Working with diverse communities around the world honed her communication and mediation skills. Ty also has a gift for listening not only to what is said, but the unspoken nuances that people convey. 

Her skills and experience led her to become certified as a life coach further positioning her to unlock the potential of clients to acknowledge, shift, and pursue the fulfilling life of their dreams.